the fiscal year for the Northwest Territorial Pipe Band eded on August 31, 2022 (item K.40 of the Constitution and Bylaws);
the Executive is required to call an Annual General Meeting not earlier than October 1, 2022 (item C.13 of the Constitution and Bylaws);
The Annual General Meeting of the Northwest Territorial Pipe Band will be held as follows:
- Place - Weledeh School
- Time - 7:00 PM
- Day - 18 October 2022
- Mode - In person
An agenda will follow but as is usual the officers of the Band will be open for election:
- Pipe Major
- Drum Major
- Secretary-Treasurer
- Quartermaster
- Public Relations Officer
- Pipe and Drum Sergeants
Financial statements and reports will be presented along with minutes from last year's AGM.
Memberships ($40) are also due and can be paid in cash, cheque or online via a bank e-transfer to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .