During the Burns Supper in January 2019, some might have noticed on the stage in the background a number of flags.  These were the Canadian Flag, the Lion Rampant, the Royal Union Flag (also known as the Union Jack when flown at sea), the Saltire (Cross of St. Andrew) and the Royal Scots Navy Red Ensign.

The Saltire is the national flag of Scotland.  Scotland has a very regimented and regulated system of honours, including flags.  The Saltire is the correct flag for individuals and corporate bodies to fly.  It is flown from Scottish Government buildings.  Its origins can be traced to about the 15th Century.  

Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg

Of course we all know of the current national flag of Canada since 1965. 

A very distinctive flag is the Lion Rampant of Scotland, also known as the Royal Standard of Scotland.  This flag is used only by a few Great Officers of State who represent the Sovereign in Scotland.  It is commonly flown on royal residences in Scotland when the Sovereign is not present.  It is, for all intents and purposes. the flag of the Sovereign.  Interestingly, that flag is present in the Arms of Canada.  For those of a Republican bent, this flag is considered unacceptable as it is the flag of the Sovereign (albeit the Scottish Sovereign).  Anti-monarchists would prefer just the Saltire.