All tickets have been sold as of 2024-01-08. A waiting list has been started so that in the event that the holder of a ticket wants to sell their ticket, they can try to sell you their ticket. If you want to be on that list, please contact us - https://nwtpipeband.org/index.php/contact .
That time of year is approaching fast - the immensely popular annual Northwest Territorial Pipe Band's Burn's Night Supper. This is an annual Scottish cultural event across the planet. But it is also the must-attend social event of the year for Yellowknife. Dust-off your brogues, dig out your Sgian-dubh and targ (no claymores or broadswords please), iron-out those pleats in your kilt and enjoy a Scottish cultural evening hosted by the Northwest Territorial Pipe Band.
Robert Burns is the poet laureate of Scotland and credited with starting what we call today, the Romantic movement. His birthday was on 25 January 1759 and across the world groups gather to recite his poetry, play the pipes and drums, dance and engage in other cultural activities. There will be haggis, neeps and tatties. There will be "beverages". There will be a cèilidh after (dancing). Details of the programme are still being finalized.
Here are the particulars:
Due to the limited number of tickets and popularity of this event, tickets are always in high demand. We often sell out early but establish a waiting list. If tickets sell out, you can email NWT Pipe Band to be put on the waiting list.
We will do our best to accommodate. Block seating is possible on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Payment may be made by:
- the Zeffy ticketing system (preferred)
Thank you.
What is Burns Night?